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http://www.100md.com 2014年6月1日 健康之路(医药研究) 2014年第6期
     【摘要】孕妇围产期护理保健一共分为三个阶段, 为开展围产医院以及保证母婴健康生活质量的关键关节。与以往的护理保健工作有所不同,其为在以往的护理保健当中添加了最新的内容,并采取最新的技术以及防范,对母婴健康给予监护及评估,并对母婴采取统一管理。本文笔者就如何做好孕妇围产期护理保健工作给予详细阐述。


    Abstract:Pregnant perinatal care is divided into three stages totally, which is the key part of perinatal care of hospital and ensuring the life quality of maternal and child. It’s a new part of medical care by using latest technique and protection measures to manage the health ofmaternal and child, which is different from traditional medical care. The author makes a detail description of how to do perinatal care of pregnant women in this article.

    Key words: health care;medical care; perinatal; pregnant women


    围产期是整个怀孕期间最重要的缓解 ......

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