摘 要:介绍了MAC地址认证、WEP认证、WPA认证、WPA2认证等4种物联网安全认证方式的原理、优点和缺点,并且根据医院物联网的特点,选出了比较适合的、成熟稳定的认证方式,以期确保医院网络安全,避免隐私外泄。关键词:医院信息化;物联网安全;认证方式
Abstract:To secure access to the Internet of Things, the article analyzes kinds of security authentication options, and selects mature and stable security authentication option integrating the reality of the hospital. The result is MAC and WPA2 are the best choices. Conclusion: secure the internet safety; prevent confidential leakage.
Keywords: Hospital informatization; Internet of thing s security; Authenticatian method
在医院的物联网建设中 ......
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