【摘 要】 我国政府和社会各界越来越关注对青少年的性教育,尤其在性病和艾滋病流行的当前阶段。了解美国家庭对青少年的性教育状况,将有助于探讨我国家庭对青少年性教育的模式。【关键词】 美国; 家庭; 青少年; 性教育
Sex education for adolescents in American families
LIU Wenli
Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
【Abstract】Chinese government and all society sectors are paying more attention to the sex education for adolescents, especially with the prevalence of STD/AIDS in current times. Therefore, knowledge about adolescent sex education in American families will be helpful to develop our own pattern of sex education for adolescents.
【Key words】 American family; Adolescents; Sex education
在美国 ......
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