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http://www.100md.com 2009年9月1日 《中国性科学》 2009年第9期
     【摘 要】 目的:探讨清除HPV的有效治疗方案,阻断宫颈癌演进,预防术后复发。方法:用西医、中医、中西医结合的方法。结果:西医从物理疗法发展到HPV疫苗的研究,但仍无彻底清除HPV的有效方法,复发率高;中医认为正虚邪侵,治拟内外合治,扶正补虚,清热利湿,解毒消瘕。相对价廉、副作用小、能清除HPV,预防CIN及防止复发,但疗效较慢;中西医结合则扬长避短,对有物理、手术治疗指征的宫颈癌前病变者,先予局部物理或手术治疗,再辨证施治:全身治疗以内服中药为主,改善机体的失衡状态,提高免疫功能,扶正祛邪,排毒消瘕;局部治疗以宫颈敷药,祛腐生新,促进术后创面愈合,抗癌排毒,清除残存的HPV。结论:物理或手术清除宫颈局部病灶与中药清除HPV相结合,有望彻底清除HPV,达到预防、治疗HR HPV感染,逆转CIN及防止术后复发,阻断宫颈癌演进的目的。

    【关键词】 高危人类乳头状瘤病毒; 宫颈癌前病变; 宫颈癌; 中西医结合

    Chinese and western medicine in the prevention and treatment HR-HPV infection in
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    cervical precancerous lesions recurrence of the research

    SHEN Yexia

    Chinese Medicine Hospital of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212003, China

    【Abstract】 Objectives:

    Research on the elimination of the effective treatment of HPV release case, blocking the evolution of cervical cancer, prevention of recurrence. Methods: With western medicine, Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese and western medicine approach. Results:The development of western medicine to physical therapy from the HPV vaccine, but there is no completely effective way to clear the HPV,High relapse rate;Chinese medicine practitioners believe that is true evil invasion, both inside and outside government to be competent governance, nourishing weak kiyotoshi heat and moisture, quickly lift the bag to eliminate drugs. Relatively low cost, side effects, can clear the HPV, the prevention of CIN and prevention of recurrence, but the effect of slower; Build on the strengths to avoid the shortcomings of the traditional Chinese and western medicine, on physics, indications for surgical treatment of cervical precancerous lesions, and partial physical or surgical treatment, Differential Treatment of re-: suits him for the medical expenses within the body-based therapy to improve the imbalance of the body, improve immune function, uphold, detoxification package express extinction; local treatment to the cervix treated, remove the new saprophytic promote postoperative wound healing, anti-cancer detoxification, removing remnants of HPV. Conclusion: Physical or partial surgical removal of cervical lesions, Chinese medicine to clear HPV, traditional Chinese and western medicine, is expected to complete removal of HPV, prevention, treatment, HR HPV infection, to reverse and prevent recurrence of CIN, to block the evolution of cervical cancer.
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    【Key words】 High-risk human papillomavirus; Cervical precancerous lesions; Cervical cancer; Traditional Chinese and western medicine

    宫颈癌是妇科常见的恶性肿瘤,发病率仅次于乳腺癌。全世界每年的新发病例约46.6万,80%在发展中国家,我国宫颈癌发病数和死亡数约占全世界的1/3。宫颈癌发病有上升和年轻化的趋势,这与性开放致宫颈癌的主要病因HR HPV(高危人类乳头状瘤病毒)感染增多有关。虽已研制出预防HPV的疫苗,但鉴于价格昂贵,目前未能在发展中国家广泛应用;治疗性疫苗正在研究中,安全性和疗效尚不能肯定。现有的中西医治疗各有利弊,无法彻底清除HPV,所以对宫颈癌的防治,我国仍然停留在早查早治宫颈癌和癌前病变,未能更早地干预——预防HPV(人类乳头状瘤病毒)感染、治疗HR HPV感染。在主要病因已明确,检测HPV技术也较成熟的当今,研究彻底清除HPV的治疗,已成为人类攻克宫颈癌的关键。我们结合多年临床应用中西医治疗宫颈疾病的经验,采用中西医结合的方法,不仅可以提高疗效,预防复发,而且对宫颈癌的防治能做到更早地干预——治疗病因,阻断HPV传播。

    1 宫颈癌的发病病因

    宫颈癌是机体在多种高危因素作用下发生的,如:性生活早,伴侣多;早婚早育、多产多孕、宫颈糜烂、吸烟;丈夫有包皮过长、包茎或阴茎癌;HPV、HSV-2、HCMV、CT感染;营养不良等。持续、反复的HR HPV感染是宫颈癌发病的主要原因,HSV-2、CT等感染及其他致癌因素起促进作用:一方面使感染HR HPV年龄提早,机率增高,反复感染;另一方面使机体免疫力下降,HR HPV持续感染的机率增高。, http://www.100md.com(沈业霞)
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