【摘 要】 梅毒血清试验包括非梅毒螺旋体抗原血清试验和梅毒螺旋体抗原血清试验,二种方法需结合使用,前者主要用来判断疗效,后者用作确证诊断。本文讨论了关于梅毒血清学检查的几个热点问题,包括梅毒血清试验假阳性、假阴性、术前梅毒血清检查阳性、血清固定及其处理等。【关键词】 梅毒; 梅毒血清试验
Hot topics about serologic tests for syphilis
ZHENG Zhancai
Department of Dermatology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital,Beijing 100029,China
【Abstract】Serologic tests for syphilis include two different assays: non-treponemal antigen test and treponemal antigen test, which are usually performed in combination for one patient. The former is mainly employed to evaluate the efficacy of anti-treponemal treatment, while the latter is to make the diagnosis. This paper has discussed the present hot topics about serologic tests for syphilis, which include biologic false positive and false negative results, positive reports on tests before operation, sero-fast after treatment and its managements.
【Key words】 Syphilis; Serologic tests for syphilis
人体感染梅毒螺旋体约4~10周后 ......
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