【摘 要】 大学生正处于性活跃期,是一个极易受损伤和危险的时期。大学生中不安全性行为、意外妊娠、生殖道感染、未婚先孕、人工流产、性病/艾滋病病毒感染的发生率不断增加。造成这种局面的原因有多种,归根到底,无非是高校大学生性与生殖健康信息的科学性和知识不够以及大学生的性观念逐步开放所致。无论是从大学生健康角度出发,还是大学生的需求出发,在高校开展性与生殖健康教育都是很有必要的。目前开设性与生殖健康教育的高校有很多,笔者通过北京大学开设性与生殖健康教育教育方式、内容与效果出发,总结出一些在高校开展此类教育的经验与启示,以供其他高校开展性与生殖健康教育借鉴。【关键词】 性与生殖健康; 教育; 可行性及效果
Experiences in sex and reproductive health education for university students
XU Jiang
Institute of Population Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
【Abstract】College students are in an extremely dangerous period for the unhealthy sexual behaviors. With economic development and culture prosperity in modern society, sexual behaviors are more permissive among college students, resulting in the increase in unsafe behavior, accident gravid, genital tract infection, premarital pregnancy, abortion, STD/AIDS virus infection. The lack of sex and reproductive health information and permissive sex attitude among college students are the main reasons for unhealthy sex behaviors. Therefore, reproductive health education is very necessary for college students. There are many universities offering sex and reproductive health education. This paper details the mode, content and effect of sex health education in Peking university, and summarizes some education experiences for the reference of other universities. ......
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