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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 《中国性科学》 2011年第6期
     【摘 要】 目的:探讨乳腺癌术后患肢功能障碍患者康复训练的方法。方法:进行心理护理,实施康复训练,加强健康指导。结果:28例患者完全康复16例,未完全康复但功能改善、不影响正常生活10例,功能障碍程度缓解、但仍影响正常生活2例。结论:采取相应的护理措施,做好康复计划及阶段性的指导,乳腺癌术后患肢功能障碍的患者能够减轻或消除症状。

    【关键词】 乳腺癌术后; 患肢; 功能障碍; 康复训练

    Rehabilitation exercises for functional recovery of limbs after breast cancer operation

    SUN Jingyi, ZHOU Xin, ZHU Xiaohua

    Department of Radiology, Liaoning Hospital of Oncology, Liaoning 110042, China

    【Abstract】 Objectives: To explore on the rehabilitation methods for functional recovery of limbs after breast cancer operation. Methods: The patients were given proper psychological care, rehabilitation training and health education. Results: Among 28 investigated patients, 16 have got complete recovery, 10 have sufficient improvement on symptoms without influence on the normal life, and 2 have got some improvement but still had influence on their life. Conclusion: The limb dysfunction after breast cancer operation can be improved or recovered through proper care, rehabilitation exercises and health education. ......

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