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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月1日 《中国性科学》 2012年第2期
     【摘 要】 目的:了解现代女大学生性知识来源与需求、性态度、性价值观、性道德意识,以便有针对性地开展好性健康教育,促进女大学生心身健康发展。方法:通过问卷调查,深入了解女大学生性知识来源与需求等状况。结果:女大学生性知识来源主要为杂志、电影电视和课堂教学,来源单一;女学生的性知识需求主要集中在女性怎样保护自己、性与爱等;恋爱学生人数多,主张恋爱的比例较高,普遍需要学习性知识。结论:高等学校应有针对性地对女大学生开展好性健康教育,特别是恋爱观、性态度、性价值观、性道德意识的引导与教育,促进女大学生身心健康发展。

    【关键词】 女大学生; 性知识; 性教育

    Sex knowledge and sexual health of female college students

    DAI Yuwen

    Chuxiong Medical College, Chuxiong 675005, China

    【Abstract】 Objectives: to understand the needs for sex knowledge, sex attitude, sex values and sex morality in contemporary female college students, and to provide the guidance for the corresponding sexual health education. Methods:Questionnaires were administered to college students to investigate their source and need for sex knowledge. Results:Female college students mainly acquired their sex knowledge from magazines, films, television and classroom teaching; Their needs for sex knowledge centered on the protection of females, sex and love; A great majority of female college students may fall in love. Most of them supports for love in college and needs more learning of sexual health knowledge. Conclusion:Colleges and universities should provide proper sexual health education for female college students, especially giving more guidance in their love conception, sex attitude and sex morality. ......

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