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http://www.100md.com 2013年2月1日 李艳 黎妍 冯文艇




    [1]Chen, X.,Lunn, S.,Deveaux, L.,et al..A cluster randomized controlled trial of an adolescent HIV prevention program among Bahamian youth: Effect at 12 months post-intervention[J]. AIDS AND BEHAVIOR,2009,13(3):499-508.

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    [4]Chen, X.,Lunn, S.,Deveaux, L.,Li, X.,Brathwaite, N.,Cottrell, L.,Stanton, B..A cluster randomized controlled trial of an adolescent HIV prevention program among Bahamian youth: Effect at 12 months post-intervention. AIDS AND BEHAVIOR,2009,13(3):499-508.

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