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http://www.100md.com 2014年7月1日 中国性科学 2014年第7期



    【摘要】目的:探讨高校已婚青年教师成人依恋的现状以及性别、婚龄、有无子女对依恋的影响。方法:采用方便取样的方法,选取高校已婚(不含离婚)青年教师210人,运用《亲密关系经历量表》(ECR)和《关系问卷》(RQ)进行调查。结果:高校已婚青年教师安全型依恋人数占69%,依恋回避得分为(291±091)分,依恋焦虑得分为(329±090)分,不同依恋类型的被试在依恋回避、依恋焦虑维度上有显著差异(F=470,P<001,F=457,P<001);不同性别教师在依恋回避、依恋焦虑维度、依恋类型上的得分差异不具有统计学意义(t=019,P>005;t=061,P>005;χ2=155,P>005),不同婚龄的青年教师在依恋回避、依恋焦虑维度、依恋类型上的得分差异有统计学意义(F=968,P<001; F=757,P<001;χ2=1302,P<005),是否有孩子的高校青年教师在依恋回避、依恋焦虑维度、依恋类型上差异有统计学意义(t=457,P<001;t=355,P<001;χ2=1446,,P<005)。结论:高校已婚青年教师依恋状况处于中等偏上水平,并受性别、婚龄、有无子女的影响。
, 百拇医药

    Analysis of adult attachment for young married university teachersLIANG Li. Research Center of Mental Health of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China

    【Abstract】Objectives: To investigate the adult attachment and the influence of gender, marriage age, with or without children on such attachment in young married university teachers. Methods: 210 young married university teachers (without divorce) were selected and surveyed with the Experiences in Close Relationship (ECR) and Relationship Questionnaire (RQ). Results: 69% of young married university teachers had adult attachment, with scores for attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety being 291±091 and 329±090 respectively, with significant differences among people of different types of attachment (F=470, P<001, F=457, P<001). Difference in the attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety and attachment types of people of different genders was not statistically significant (t=019, P>005; t=061, P>005,χ2=155, P>005); difference in attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety and attachment types of people with different marriage ages was of statistical significance(F=968, P<001; F=757, P<001, χ2=1302, P<005); difference in attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety and attachment types between people with children and without was of statistical significance (t=457, P<001; t=355, P<001, χ2=1446, P<005). Conclusion: The adult attachment level of young married university teachers is above average, and influenced by gender, marriage age and with or without children.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】Young married teachers; University; Adult attachment; ECR






    本研究所指青年按照世界卫生组织在1992年对青年人口的年龄界定,即14~44岁为青年阶段\[13\]。采用方便取样的方式,选取四川的西南石油大学和西南财经大学、重庆的重庆师范大学、陕西的延安大学4所高校青年教师进行问卷调查。共发放问卷300份,回收试卷260份,回收率8667%,根据其所填婚姻状况选出已婚(不含离婚者)被试210人作为有效被试,有效率8077%。其中男性85人,女性125人;年龄分布在26到45岁之间,平均年龄(33±6)岁;婚龄分布在1年到15年之间,平均婚龄(75±63)年。, http://www.100md.com
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