【中图分类号】 R473.72【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1672-3783(2011)04-0011-01【摘要】目的 探讨儿童烧伤患者如何安全地渡过休克期,最大限度地减少因静脉输液引起的不良反应,提高患儿生存质量。方法对烧伤面积>10%的590例儿童烧伤患者的输液、用药过程的护理注意事项进行回顾性总结。结果 儿童烧伤患者休克症状及时得到纠正,并发症明显减少。结论 儿童烧伤休克发生率高,在护理中及时安全有效地抗休克输液治疗是抢救成功的关键。
Children burn infusion of clinical nursing practice
Zhang xuerong
【Abstract】Objective: does the goal discuss the child to burn the patient to cross the shock time safely, maximum limit reduces the untoward effect which, because the venous transfusion causes, enhances the baby to survive the quality. The method burns patient's infusion to the burn area >10% 590 example child, the medication process nursing matters needing attention to carry on the review summary. Finally the child burns the patient to be in shock the symptom to obtain the correction promptly, the complication obvious reduction. The conclusion child burns the shock formation rate to be high, the prompt security effectively anti-shock infusion treatment rescues the successful key in nursing. ......
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