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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月1日 《健康必读·下旬刊》 20114
     【中图分类号】 R725.6【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1672-3783(2011)04-0040-02


    【关键词】腹痛 老年性肺炎 误诊误治 体会

    The main symptoms of abdominal pain in 6 cases of severe atypical pneumonia in senile Diagnosis and Treatment

    ji aimin

    【Abstract】 Objective: To summarize the main symptoms of abdominal pain as the treatment of severe pneumonia in 6 cases the diagnosis and treatment of senile experience, is not typical of age-related pathogenesis of severe pneumonia, reduce misdiagnosis. Methods: The hospital in February 2009 -2011 in April between the six cases were treated with abdominal pain as main symptoms of atypical treatment of elderly patients with severe pneumonia were retrospectively analyzed. Results: 6 patients with out-patient misdiagnosis rate was 66.67%, after admission by the relevant physical and chemical examination, within 0.5-1h have been modified in the diagnosis, average length of stay 16.5d. Conclusion: The lower part of pulmonary inflammation spread to the pleura, or diaphragm on the peripheral part of the cause of abdominal pain, in addition to degenerative changes in various organs elderly, physical response is weak and obvious symptoms of respiratory tract, are not typical of age-the main reason for misdiagnosis of severe pneumonia .  ......

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