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【中图分类号】R725 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2011)05-0337-01
【Abstract】Acute tonsillitis is one of the common and frequently-occurring diseases including. If not treated or antibiotics USES undeserved, can cause complications. Our hospital.all June 2007 - June 2010, 60 cases by penicillin for children with joint xi phlogistic flat injection intravenous injection, has achieved good effect. Article penicillin injection to joint xi phlogistic flat intravenous injection discusses treatment of acute tonsillitis.
【Keywords】Suppurative tonsillitis; Xi phlogistic flat; Treatment
急性化脓性扁桃体炎是儿科的常见急症之一 ......