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http://www.100md.com 2011年8月1日 健康必读·下旬刊 2011年第8期


    【关键词】人文护理 临床 文化护理

    Preliminary Discussion on Application of Humanistic Nursing in Clinical Nursing

    Zhao Feiyue

    【Abstract】With the changes in medical model ,patient-centered holistic nursing care has gradually replaced the functional nursing care. Among them, how to put psychological, spiritual, and cultural integration as the main body of the humanistic nursing care into the daily care work, to enhance awareness of human services has become a increasingly concerned topic . At present,under the market economy conditions, the view of values and demand of both nurses and patients are undergoing subtle changes, Patient’s demands and expectations for medical services are becoming higher and higher , Only by firmly establishing human sense of service, can really provide patients with comprehensive, systematic care, to meet the diverse needs of patients, It is also the fundamental way to improve the holistic nursing care ......
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