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http://www.100md.com 2011年10月1日 健康必读·下旬刊 2011年第10期
     【中图分类号】R723 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2011)10-0019-01


, 百拇医药
    74 cases of clinical diagnosis and treatment of diarrhea in children

    Xu Zhiyu

    【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the cause of diarrhea in children and treatment experience. Methods: history taking, physical examination and laboratory examinations, guide the treatment of diarrhea in children. Of our hospital 74 cases of diarrhea in children with symptomatic treatment and to correct dehydration, including 42 males and 32 females; the youngest three months, up to 3 years old, 7 months to 2 years 62 cases; 3 months to 6 months in 4 cases; 2 years to 3 years and 8 cases; mild diarrhea in 58 patients with moderate to severe diarrhea in 16 cases, five cases of delayed-type diarrhea, chronic diarrhea in 7 cases. Results: mild diarrhea in 2 to 4 days recovery, an average of 3 days; persistent type and chronic diarrhea 6-9 days recovery, an average of 7 days; severe diarrhea 3 to 7 days recovery, an average of 5 days. Conclusion: The cause of infantile diarrhea caused by non-infectious and infection can be divided into two major categories of factors, as much as possible for children with diarrhea should strictly enforce the use of antibiotics indications. To prevent further diarrhea caused by repeated, so that the body's normal flora and reduce the damage caused by the normal intestinal flora imbalance, while in treatment to protect the intestinal mucosa and are supplemented by additional appropriate probiotic preparations, were shortened course of treatment of diarrhea, reduce the incidence of re-infection, in order to facilitate the healthy growth of children.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】children; diarrhea; clinical analysis

    小儿腹泻为婴幼儿常见病,由多病源、多因素引起,以大便次数增多和大便性状改变为特征的消化道疾病。发病年龄多在2岁以下,1岁以内患儿约占50%。全世界每年死于腹泻的儿童高达500万—1800万,夏秋季为腹泻病的高发季节,在我国小儿腹泻发病率仅次于呼吸道感染,居第二位。本病传变迅速,如若治疗不及时或方治偏差,则可转重,险象丛生,或成为迁延性、慢性腹泻,酿成疳臌虚劳之疾 [1]。现探讨我院2010年5月-2011年5月共收治的74?例腹泻患儿病例,具体分析如下。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 我院2010年5月—2011年5月共收治74例腹泻患儿,本组74例腹泻患儿其中男42例,女32例;年龄最小3个月,最大3岁,7个月~2岁者62例,占83.8% ,3个月—6个月者4例,占5.4%,2—3岁者8例,占10.8%。病程最短的1天,最长的8天,平均4天;轻度腹泻58例,中重度腹泻16例,迁延型腹泻5例,慢性腹泻7例。
, 百拇医药
    1.2 临床特点 所有病例均有大便性状改变,次数比平时明显增多,最多者达16余次/日,平均6~9次/日,其中稀水样便45例,占60.8%;稀糊便10例,占13.5%;粘液便19例,占25.7%。发热32例,占43.2%;呕吐23例,占31.1%。腹泻伴轻度脱水50例,占67.6%;伴中度脱水14例,占18.9%;重度脱水2例,占2.7%,无脱水者8例,合并上呼吸道感染者35例,占47%,合并支气管炎及肺炎者16例,占22%,伴营养不良者4例。

    1.3 方 法

    1.3.1 有发热及合并症者既合理使用抗生素,如氨苄西林、青霉素G钠,(入院后即做药敏试验)三天后根据药敏试验选择敏感药物,剂量和疗程要足够,一般疗程3~7天,直到感染症状发热及肺部啰音消失,粪便培养转阴,即停用抗生素。

    1.3.2 全部病例均同时应用肠黏膜保护剂思密达及口服补充肠道正常菌双歧杆菌、乳杆菌等。增殖人体内的益生菌群,从而达到肠内微生态平衡。

    1.3.3 全部病例均做适当食物调整,每日大便次数大于10?次且大便量多的病例采用豆奶粉喂养或去乳糖奶粉,大便镜检脂肪球阳性病例适当限制高脂肪食物喂养,添加粥或米汤等食物。其余病例延长乳类食品(牛乳、母乳)喂养间隔,并减少每次喂乳量。, 百拇医药(徐芝育)
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