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http://www.100md.com 2011年10月1日 健康必读·下旬刊 2011年第10期
     【中图分类号】R445 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2011)10-0246-01



    X-ray Imaging of osteochondroma diagnosis of 36 cases

    【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the osteochondroma of X-ray features. Methods: retrospective analysis 36 patients with synovial osteochondroma of the X-ray examination and clinical data in our hospital. Results: All patients seen around the joint cavity or the number of joint cartilage, ranging from hanging loose bodies or body, sizes, shape was mostly round or oval, can be gathered into a group-like or irregular shapes. Seen in patients with surgery than the number of bone cartilage body X-ray results are displayed. Conclusion: osteochondroma has some characteristics of X-ray, X-ray can be used as an important diagnostic tool, but there are certain limitations, requires a combination of CT and other imaging methods for diagnosis. ......
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