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http://www.100md.com 2012年2月1日 健康必读·下旬刊 2012年第2期
     【中图分类号】R181 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2012)02-0297-01

    【摘要】目的 分析阳江市2007年—2009年急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例检测结果,为阳江市继续保持无脊髓灰质炎(简称脊灰)决策提供依据。 方法 分析阳江市2007年—2009年病例监测系统的个案调查表,随访表和实验室病毒学检测结果等资料。 结果 2007年—2009年阳江市共报告了31例AFP病例,分布阳江市江城区、阳春市、阳东县、阳西县;男性20例,女性11例;年龄最大14岁,最小2d;免疫次数≥3次的占90%。15岁以下的儿童非脊灰AFP病例报告率为1.99/10万,双份合格粪便标本采集率为100%。2例标本分离出脊髓灰质炎疫苗株,1例标本分离出非脊灰肠道病毒。结论 阳江市AFP病例检测系统运转状况良好,人群免疫状况良好,冷链运转正常。


    The test result of slow relaxation of the acute cases of paralysis from 2007-2009 in YangJiang

    【Abstract】Objective To analysis detective results of acute flaccid apralysis(AFP)cases in Yangjiang in 2007 to 2009,and provide evidence for the decision and strategy of keeping poliomyelitis free(abbreviation of polio).Methods Anelysis was conducted on the surveillance system of Yangjiang in 2007 to 2009 cases, which were obrained from case survey,follow-up form and laboratory vorology testing result date and so on. Rusult A total of 31 AFP cases which distributed throughout Jiangcheng,Yangdong,Yangxi and Yangchun were reported in Yangjiang in 2007 to 2009 with the incidence of 20 cases in male,eleven cases in female ,the biggest age of 14,the youngest age of 2.Immunity times not less than 3 times occupied 90 percent.Reporting rate of children under 15 with polio-free AFP cases is 1.99/lakh.Double qualified excrement specimens collection rate is 100 percent.Separating poliomyelitis vaccine from two cases speciments,and no polio enterovirus(NPEV) isolated from on case. Conclusion AFP cases detection system,Immunity of population and cold chain were in good condition. ......

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