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http://www.100md.com 2018年6月1日 《健康必读·下旬刊》 2018年第6期
     【摘 要】目的:分析我院质子泵抑制剂使用情况,促进临床合理用药。方法:随机抽取我院2016年门诊7-12月使用质子泵抑制处方347张,住院部7-12月使用质子泵抑制剂医嘱181份,对该类药物使用适应症、用法用量、相互作用、给药途径及疗程等进行专项点评和分析。结果:质子泵抑制剂使用合格率85.81%,主要问题是无适应症用药、预防用药不适宜、药品剂型或给药方法不适宜、联合用药不适宜或有不良相互作用、选用溶媒不当、使用疗程过长、遴选的药品不适宜。结论:我院质子泵抑制剂存在诸多不合理之处,门诊处方不合理使用质子泵抑制剂情况较为严重,临床医生对药品说明书应有更多了解,开具处方时应详细写明临床诊断。


    Abstract Objective: To analyze the usage of proton pump inhibitors in our hospital and to promote rational use of proton pump inhibitors.Methods: 347 proton pump inhibition prescriptions and 181 proton pump inhibitor prescriptions were randomly selected from our outpatient clinic in July to December 2016.Methods of administration and course of treatment were reviewed and analyzed.Results: the qualified rate of proton pump inhibitor use was 85.81%. The main problems were that the proton pump inhibitor was not suitable for use ......
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