【摘 要】目的:应用双通道视觉质量分析系统( optical quality analysis system,OQASⅡ) 比较波前像差引导的飞秒SBK与普通飞秒SBK术后视觉质量和散射的差异,为探讨其能否给患者带来更好的视觉质量提供一定的临床依据。方法:在广西视光中心屈光手术门诊中选取60例术前检查病例,采用随机数字表法随机分成波前像差引导飞秒SBK组和普通飞秒SBK组,手术过程均由同一个医生完成,术后1年随访,每次随访均进行标准对数视力表评估、客观视觉质量分析系统( OQASⅡ,Visiometrics 公司) 检测。比较两组视力变化、斯特列尔比值( strehl ratio,SR) 、对比度为100%、20%、9% 时的OV值( OQAS value,OV100%、OV20% 和OV9%)、客观散射指数( objective scattering index,OSI)值及截止空间频率( MTF cutoff)。结果:波前飞秒组与普通飞秒组术后视力变化无统计学差异(P>0.05);波前飞秒组SR、OV100%、OV20%和OV9%、OSI、MTF cutoff分别为0.26±0.23、( 1.18±0.53) c·d-1、( 0.86±0.26) c·d-1、(0.62±0.29) c·d-1 、0.83±1.13、( 43.32±14.88) c·d-1;普通飞秒组SR、OV100%、OV20%和OV9%、OSI、MTF cutoff分别为0.18±0.13、( 1.02±0.33) c·d-1、( 0.66±0.31) c·d-1、( 0.49±0.26) c·d-1、1.12±1.23、( 38.97±10.57) c·d-1。两组SR、OV100%、OV20%、OV9%M、OSI和TF cutoff比较,差异均有统计学意义(均为P < 0.05)。结论:波前像差引导的飞秒SBK术后视觉质量较普通飞秒SBK术好。
The research of visual quality after Wavefront aberration guided femtosecond-SBK
Kong Min, Huang jianzhong, Luo wuqiang, Liu hongting, Xiao xin, Department of visual science and optometry center,People’s Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530021, China.
Abstract Objective: Application of dual channel visual quality analysis system(optical quality analysis system,OQASⅡ) to compare the differences in visual quality and scattering between ordinary femtosecond-SBK and femtosecond-SBK guided by wavefront aberration, to explore whether it can provide better visual quality for patients in clinical. Methods: 60 patients of our department were divided into two groups(30 patients were wavefront aberration guided femtosecond-SBK, 30 patients were ordinary femtosecond-SBK), all the surgery procedure was performed by the same doctor, after one year of the surgery, we test those people’s Vison by Standard logarithmic visual acuity chart, their strehlratio, OQAS value(OV100%、OV20% 和OV9%), objective scattering index and MTF cutoff by OQAS. Result: The postoperative visual changes between the two groups, differents have no statistics meaning(P<0.05); but their differents of strehlratio, OQAS value, objective scattering index and MTF cutoff have statistics meaning(P<0.05). Conclusion: The visual quality of femtosecond-SBK guided by Wavefront aberration is better than that of ordinary femtosecond-SBK
Key words:Wavefront aberration; femtosecond-SBK; OQAS; visual quality
【中圖分类号】R778 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2018)07-03--01
飞秒激光自2002年开始应用于屈光手术以来,技术设备不断更新,临床应用不断拓展,代表了角膜屈光手术领域的最新进展[1]。从飞秒激光制作角膜瓣到飞秒激光透镜切除,再到飞秒激光角膜基质扫描矫正老视与散光,飞秒激光制做角膜瓣因其具有较高的安全性、可预测性以及生物力学稳定性,越来越多的角膜屈光手术通过飞秒激光完成[2-4]。波前像差引导的个性化LASIK较常规LASIK具备更好的术后裸眼视力、降低术前高阶像差、减少新高阶像差的引入、更好的对比敏感度结果等[5]。但波前像差技术在飞秒SBK中能否发挥其自身的优势?尚未发现相关研究报道。因此,本研究应用双通道视觉质量分析系统( optical quality analysis system,OQASⅡ)评价波前飞秒术后客观视觉质量特征,并与普通飞秒术后视觉质量进行比较,为临床应用提供参考依据。, 百拇医药(黄建忠 罗武强)
The research of visual quality after Wavefront aberration guided femtosecond-SBK
Kong Min, Huang jianzhong, Luo wuqiang, Liu hongting, Xiao xin, Department of visual science and optometry center,People’s Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530021, China.
Abstract Objective: Application of dual channel visual quality analysis system(optical quality analysis system,OQASⅡ) to compare the differences in visual quality and scattering between ordinary femtosecond-SBK and femtosecond-SBK guided by wavefront aberration, to explore whether it can provide better visual quality for patients in clinical. Methods: 60 patients of our department were divided into two groups(30 patients were wavefront aberration guided femtosecond-SBK, 30 patients were ordinary femtosecond-SBK), all the surgery procedure was performed by the same doctor, after one year of the surgery, we test those people’s Vison by Standard logarithmic visual acuity chart, their strehlratio, OQAS value(OV100%、OV20% 和OV9%), objective scattering index and MTF cutoff by OQAS. Result: The postoperative visual changes between the two groups, differents have no statistics meaning(P<0.05); but their differents of strehlratio, OQAS value, objective scattering index and MTF cutoff have statistics meaning(P<0.05). Conclusion: The visual quality of femtosecond-SBK guided by Wavefront aberration is better than that of ordinary femtosecond-SBK
Key words:Wavefront aberration; femtosecond-SBK; OQAS; visual quality
【中圖分类号】R778 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3783(2018)07-03--01
飞秒激光自2002年开始应用于屈光手术以来,技术设备不断更新,临床应用不断拓展,代表了角膜屈光手术领域的最新进展[1]。从飞秒激光制作角膜瓣到飞秒激光透镜切除,再到飞秒激光角膜基质扫描矫正老视与散光,飞秒激光制做角膜瓣因其具有较高的安全性、可预测性以及生物力学稳定性,越来越多的角膜屈光手术通过飞秒激光完成[2-4]。波前像差引导的个性化LASIK较常规LASIK具备更好的术后裸眼视力、降低术前高阶像差、减少新高阶像差的引入、更好的对比敏感度结果等[5]。但波前像差技术在飞秒SBK中能否发挥其自身的优势?尚未发现相关研究报道。因此,本研究应用双通道视觉质量分析系统( optical quality analysis system,OQASⅡ)评价波前飞秒术后客观视觉质量特征,并与普通飞秒术后视觉质量进行比较,为临床应用提供参考依据。, 百拇医药(黄建忠 罗武强)