【摘 要】:目的:分析在剖宫产术难治性产后出血中以双侧的子宫动脉上行支结扎术+改良式的子宫背带式缝合术治疗的术中止血效果。方法:对照组产妇行胎盘剥离面缝扎止血和宫腔填塞止血,而观察组患者则联合采取双侧子宫动脉上行结扎与改良式子宫背带缝合术进行止血治疗。结果:观察组产妇的手术时间、住院天数以及子宫收缩时间均较对照组明显更优(P<0.05);观察组产妇的术中输血量以及术中和术后出血量均较对照组产妇明显更少(P<0.05);观察组术后并发症率是5.13%较对照组的17.95%明显更低(P<0.05)。结论:对于剖宫产术难治性产后出血产妇联合采取双侧子宫动脉上行支结扎与改良式子宫背带缝合术可达到良好的止血治疗效果,有助于降低产后并发症发生风险,该治疗方案值得应用并推广。【关键词】:剖宫产;难治性产后出血;子宫背带缝合术;子宫动脉结扎
To observe the value analysis of the combined treatment of hemostasis of the patients with refractory postpartum hemorrhage in cesarean section by bilateral uplink ligation of uterine artery and modified hysterectomy suture
Li Jian
Sichuan Jiangyou 621700
Abstract: objective: to analyze the effect of hemostasis in combination with bilateral uplink ligation of uterine artery and improved suspensory suture in the treatment of refractory postpartum hemorrhage by cesarean section. Methods: parturients in the control group were treated with hemostasis by suture ligation of placental dissection and intrauterine packing ......
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