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http://www.100md.com 2010年11月1日 《健康必读·中旬刊》 201011


    Study on 59 cases of decidual residue after medical abortion

    treated with combination estrogen and progestogen

    Ma LiHuaChan Xiaoli

    (Wuzhong people's hospital SuzhouJiangsu province 215128)

    Abstract:Objective: To evaluate the effect of combination diethylstilbestroland progestrogen treating decidual recidue after medical abortion Methods: Combination diethylstilbestrol and progestrogen treated decidual recidue after medical abortion,which demonstrated persistent vaginal bleeding and abornormal ultrasound uterine cavity echo. Results: After the above therapy, the vaginal bleeding and abornormal ultrasound uterine cavity echodisappeared in all 59 patients ......

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