摘要:目前对于创伤后应急障碍(posttraumatic stress disorder,PTSD)的理论研究方兴未艾,对于PTSD的治疗研究虽取得一定进展,但缺乏系统论述本病的治疗方法,且临床报道亦不够深入,给读者查阅这类文献带来一定困难。基于此,笔者查阅近十几年国内外的文献,对PTSD的各种治疗方法进行了归纳和总结,最后从中医角度来探讨,认为可从温补肾阳的角度来治疗PTSD。关键词:创伤后应急障碍 治疗研究 进展
Progress of treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder
Basic Medical College of Chengdu University of Chinese Traditional MedicineSichuan Chengdu611137
Abstract:Recently the theoretical study of PTSD(posttraumatic stress disorder) is in the ascendant,and though the treatment study of PTSD make a little progress ,but there is not an essay or report to concentrate on writing about all kinds of therapeutic method of it,and in some involving essay the report of it are are not enough to go deep into,then make the reader difficult and confused to browse literature.on the basis of this,I look through the essay of domestic and overseas in recently ten years,then make a summarize and sum up all kinds of these methods, From the perspective of TCM(traditional chinese medicine),I think the method warming and tonifyingspleen Yang is able to remedy PTSD. ......
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