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http://www.100md.com 2011年11月1日 健康必读·中旬刊 2011年第11期
     [摘 要] 目的:探讨目前严重多发伤患者的急诊护理方法。方法:在抢救、分析典型病例的基础上,总结临床工作,制订护士配合抢救分工程序化的急救护理措施,从而使多发伤患者得到了迅速、准确、有效的急救,为患者争取急诊手术赢得宝贵的时间,并为后期治疗及预后打下良好基础。结果:本组186例中抢救成功165例,成功率88.8%;死亡21例,死亡率11.2%。结论:及时、有效的急救护理措施为提高救活率、降低并发症及伤残率创造了良好的条件,提高了正确的诊断率和抢救成功率、降低伤残率和病死率、预防并发症的发生。

    [关键词] 多发伤;急救;护理

    [Abstract] Objective:To explore the way of emergency treatment and nursing in the severe multiple trauma.Methods:According to save and analyze the typical examples,summarize the clinical works,and formulate the synthetic emergency nursing intervention with cooperation and division of labour,in order to ensure the patient with multiple injury can be treated quickly, accurately and effectively,to win the precious time for emergency operation,and lay a good foundation for the treatment in late stage. Results:In the total 186 cases,165 patients were survival and the success rate of rescue was 88.8%,thus 21 patients to die and mortality was 11.2%. Conclusions: The prompt and efficient emergency treatment and nursing can enhance both the accurate rate of diagnosis and the success rate of rescue,reduce the complication by injury and the incidence of disability. ......
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