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http://www.100md.com 2020年8月1日 《青岛大学学报(医学版)》 20204
     Conclusion SLA has typical MRI features of villous, frond-like, or mound-like mature adipose tissue hyperplasia within the synovial membrane, and therefore preoperative MRI has an important diagnostic value.

    [KEY WORDS] synovial lipomatosis; shoulder joint; knee joint; ankle joint; magnetic resonance imaging; pathology, clinical

    滑膜树枝状脂肪瘤(LA)是一种罕见的良性疾病,也被称作滑膜脂肪瘤病、滑膜脂肪沉积与滑膜绒毛状脂肪瘤样增生等[1-5]。滑膜内显示绒毛状、棕榈叶状增生或弥漫性增生的成熟脂肪组织是其主要特征[1,6-9]。既往系统性地讲述该病的文献很少,大多是个案或少量案例的报道[10-19] ......
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