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http://www.100md.com 2009年5月1日 《家庭科学·新医学》 2009年第5期
     【摘 要】 目的:在对HBsAg疫苗进行长期毒性试验时,连续给予超高剂量基因重组的HBsAg疫苗后,在检测其安全性的同时观察小鼠产生IgG及其亚类抗-HBs的动态。方法:给药剂量为600μg/kg(约为人临床拟用量的600倍),每天给药一次,连续21天,末次免疫后一个月,用ELISA法检测小鼠血清中IgG及亚类(IgG1、IgG2a)抗HBs抗体。结果:超高剂量HBsAg疫苗仍可刺激机体在3周和7周产生高水平IgG和IgG1类抗-HBs,但IgG2a类抗-HBs出现较迟,在免疫3周后未曾检出,到末次接种一月后方可测出,且水平较低。结论:超高剂量乙肝疫苗对机体免疫系统无毒性作用,早期可刺激机体产生高水平IgG1类特异性抗体,后期出现与细胞免疫相关的(IgG2a)类特异性抗体,其抗体产生的规律与高剂量(60μg/kg)疫苗基本一致。

    【关键词】 乙肝HBsAg疫苗 抗-HBs-IgG IgG1 IgG2a

    Effect of Superhigh Dose hepatitis B surface antigen Vaccine on the specific antibody induced in mice

    Liu Guangze,et al

    【Abstract】 Objective:To study the safe and the specific immune responses of anti-HBs-IgG and subclass in mice, after serial Vaccted superhigh dosage of hepatitis B surface antigen.Methods:NIH mice were treated with 600μg.Kg-1.d-1 by hypodermic injection for 21d, then one monthlyconvalesent term. Anti-HBs-IgG and its subclass(IgG1、IgG2a) in mice serawere dectected by ELISA.Results:The superhigh dosage of hepatitis B surface antigen Vaccine still excited body product high levels of anti-HBs-IgG and Its IgG1 in 3th week and convalesent phase, but low levels of IgG2a Could not be deteeted untill Convalesent phase.Conclusion:The results shows that the superhigh dosage of hepatitis B surface antigen Vaccine is safe, may induced high leve specific IgG in 3th week and cell immunity in 8th week, the same with the high dosage Vaccine. ......
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