[摘 要] 心房颤动是临床常见的心律失常,年发病率5%,且随年龄的增长而增加。在我国,随着老龄化社会的到来,房颤患者越来越多,脑卒中是房颤的严重并发症之一,占所有脑卒中的20%[1],非瓣膜性房颤的存在可使脑卒中发病率增加5~6倍,脑卒中发病率越来越高,已成为老年人致残和致死的重要因素,因此房颤患者血栓性脑卒中的预防极为重要,大规模临床试验证明华法林是唯一可以有效降低栓塞并发症的药物。但是很多医生对华法林的应用缺乏经验,不熟悉,本文对华法林抗凝的益处和局限性作一综述。 [关键词] 心房颤动 血栓性脑卒中 抗凝[Abstract]Atrial fibrillation is a common arrhythmia, the annual incidence rate of 5%, and increase with the increase. In China, With the aging of society, the arrival of more and more patients with atrial fibrillation, atrial fibrillation is stroke one of the serious complications. all accounted for 20% of stroke [1], non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation presence will enable an increase in the incidence of stroke 5 -6 times. increasing incidence of stroke, has become disabled and elderly people died of the important factors Therefore thrombosis in patients with atrial fibrillation in stroke prevention is extremely important. large-scale clinical trials proved China and France Lin is the only one who can effectively reduce the complications of thrombosis drug. But many doctors in China Lin Act of lack of experience and be familiar with China is the anticoagulant warfarin benefits and limitations of a review. ......
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