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【摘 要】 目的 探讨气道阻塞的可逆性对支气道哮喘(简称哮喘)的诊断,疗效观察及预后判断的重要意义。 方法 260例哮喘患者以手持定量雾化(MDI)吸入舒喘灵200ug进行气道阻塞可逆性试验。 结果 气道阻塞程度及其阳性检出率与患者的基础FEV1呈显著负相关。气道阻塞越严重,支气管扩张作用越明显,阳性检出率也越高。虽然小气道功能指标的阻塞可逆性幅度较大,但其变异大,特异性差,以FEV1的改善率为最佳考核指标。 结论 气道阻塞可逆性试验简便、可靠、容易普及,有助于鉴别形成哮喘气道阻塞的两大成因,正确评价药物的治疗效果,并用以指导临床治疗。
【关键词】支气管哮喘 气道阻塞可逆性试验
【中图分类号】R256.12[KG7] 【文献标识码】A[KG7] 【文章编号】1672-5085(2008)01-0003-03
The clinical significance of reversible assay which airway obstruction for the person suffering from bronchial asthma
, 百拇医药
Yang Yuan-minGao Mao-jie
(Huaihua Hospital of China Railway WujuHuaihua Hunan 418000 China.)
【Abstract】 Objective To study the important significance of diagnosis curatine effect observation and recovery judgment, which the reversibility of airway obstruction for bronchial asthma.Methods Making a airway obstruction reversibility test that 260 persons suffering from bronchial asthma holding fixed quantity (MDI) breath in 200ug salbutamol.Results The extent of airway obstruction and the rate of positive inspect have a notable inverse correlation with the base FEV1 of the patient, If the airway obstruction become worse, the reaction of the brochial enlarge will be apparenter and the rate of positive also will be higher. The fuction indes of small bronchia , although its airway obstruction reversibility range is wide, its dissociation is great and specificity is bad. The best indicators for performance check is the emelioration rate of the FEV1.Conclutions The test of airway obstruction reversibility is simple and convenient, reliance, also easy to popularize. It is helpful to differentiate the two big reason of coming into being bronchial asthma airway obstruction, and helpful to evaluate management effect of medicament correctly, also to guide clinical treament.
, 百拇医药
【key words】 Bronchial asthma The test of airway obstruction reversibility
1 资料与方法
1.1 对象 随机选择260例哮喘患者,均符合中华医学会呼吸病学会制定的诊断标准[1],其中缓解期108例,男50例,女58例,年龄平均33.5岁;发作期152例,男84例,女68例,平均年龄36.4岁。患者受试前均停用支气管舒张剂至少12小时,皮质激素口服药停用至少24小时,吸入停用至少12小时。
, 百拇医药
1.2 方法 采用日本chest公司AS-500型肺功能仪测定肺功能,同步检测受试者的用力呼气时间-容量(T-V)及流速-容量(F-V)曲线3次,取最佳的FVC(用力呼气量)、FEV1(第一秒用力呼气量)、MMEF(最大呼气中期流速)、V50(50%肺活量的流速)、V25(25%肺活量的流速),作为用药前的对照值。受试者呼气至残气位后张口深慢吸气,并立即予MDI吸入舒喘灵气雾剂(山东蓬莱制药厂),当吸至肺总量位后屏气10秒钟,再经鼻腔徐缓呼吸气。平静呼吸1分钟后重复喷吸一次,每次吸入100ug,2次共200ug。吸药后15分钟重测肺功能。支气管扩张作用以肺功能较用药前增加的百分比(改善率Δ%)表示。
1.3 统计方法 计量资料以均数标准差(x[TX-*4]±s)表示,计数资料以百分率表示,组间对比用t检验,用spss10.0软件包进行统计分析,以P<0.05为差异有显著性意义。
, 百拇医药
2.1 不同临床分期通气指标改善率的比较见表1
表1显示,两组的△FVC(%)、△FEV1(%)、△V50(%)三项指标相比差异均有显著性。△FVC、△FEV1、△MMEF三项指标中至少有两项增加15%~25%,为即刻阳性反应。其中增加15%~25%为轻度可逆,增加26%~50%为中度可逆,增加>50%为重度可逆反应。依照上述标准对表1的两组分别判断,缓解期组阳性反应者36例,占33.3%,其中轻度可逆者26例占72.2%,中度可逆者10例占27.8%。发作期组阳性反应者112例,占73.9%,其中轻度可逆者51例,占45.5%,中度可逆者45例,占40.2%,重度可逆者16例,占14.3%。两组的阳性检出率与可逆程度均有显著性差异。, http://www.100md.com(杨元敏 高茂杰)