【中图分类号】R322.4+4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5085(2008)01-0001-04【摘要】中医药治疗胃癌前病变经过多年的临床探索,取得了许多宝贵的经验,所表现的优势及其对异型增生和肠化生的逆转作用,已得到普遍认可。但在研究工作中仍存在许多有待解决的问题。
In front of the Chinese medicine preventing and controlling stomach cancer the pathological change research progresses
Xu Pingli Lei Zhengrong
【Abstract】The Chinese medicine to treat in front of the stomach cancer the pathological change to pass through many years clinical exploration, has obtained many precious experiences, displays the superiority and its to the heterogeneous type proliferation and the intestines metaplasia reversal function ......
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