【中图分类号】R711.71 【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1672-5085(2008)03-0122-02【摘要】功能性子宫出血属于中医学崩漏的范畴,是妇科多见病。多见于45岁到绝经前的妇女。笔者两年来有选择性的用将军斩关汤治疗12例该患者,临床上取得了满意的治疗效果。
General Commissioner of chopped Decoction of 12 cases of functional effect of the uterine bleeding Li Diancheng
【Abstract】Functional bleeding Metrorrhagia belong to the medical area, isgynecological diseases. More common in the age of 45 to premenopausal women. The author of two years to be selective with chopped Commissioner-General of 12 cases of the patients, clinical treatment has been satisfied with the results.
【Key words】Chopped Commissioner-General; treating; uterine bleeding; efficacy; observation
功能性子宫出血属于中医学崩漏的范畴 ......
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