【中图分类号】R271.44 【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1672-5085(2008)03-0134-01【摘要】急性乳腺炎是哺乳期妇女常见多发病,多由于乳房过度充盈,乳头损伤等原因未能将乳汁排空而致乳汁淤积在乳腺管中引起阻塞,继发炎症所致。笔者应用大血藤煎水内服并用牙皂塞鼻在门诊中治疗早期急性乳腺炎患者,具有疗程短、效果好、操作简单的功效。
Blood vine with large internal Cypriot nose treatment of early 80 cases of acute mastitis Wang Xuanli Zhu Lifa
【Abstract】Acute mastitis is common multiple breast-feeding women, because more than filling over the breast, nipple injury and other reasons can not be a result of emptying the milk in the breast milk of silt in the cause of obstruction, inflammation caused by secondary . The author of the Oral and blood rattan Jianshui teeth with soap Cypriot nose early in the out-patient treatment in patients with acute mastitis, a short course of treatment, effective and easy-effectiveness.
【Key words】The blood vine; Teeth soap; Acute mastitis
急性乳腺炎是哺乳期妇女常见多发病 ......
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