【中图分类号】R364.1+5 【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1672-5085(2008)03-0137-02【摘要】下肢深静脉血栓形成(deepweinthrombosis,DVT),是周围血管病中的常见病,是指血液在下肢深静脉腔内不正常的凝结,阻塞静脉管腔,导致静脉回流障碍,引起相应临床症状的一类疾病,我院自2000年12月至2007年1月共收治下肢深静脉血栓形成的病人176例,采用中药以桃红四物汤为主加减的自拟方通脉方,结合西药治疗取得良好的临床疗效。
Integrated Treatment of deep vein thrombosis in the 176 cases of Sun Ying1 Zhao Gang2 Li Linggen2
【Abstract】Deep vein thrombosis (deepweinthrombosis, DVT), peripheral vascular disease is the common diseases, refers to deep vein blood in the cavity is not the normal setting, blocking vein lumen, leading to venous return obstacles, From the corresponding clinical symptoms of a disease, our hospital since December 2000 to January 2007 were treated deep vein thrombosis patients 176 cases, the use of Chinese medicine to Taohong Siwutang mainly from the addition and subtraction to the Tongmai Side, with western medicine made good clinical effect.
【Key words】Ln Integrative Medicine; Deep vein; Thrombosis; Clinical observation
下肢深静脉血栓形成(deepweinthrombosis,DVT) ......
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