【中图分类号】R197.32 【文献标识码】C 【文章编号】1672-6383(2010)11-0054-02【摘要】目的:通过对患者及家属的有效管理,减少医患纠纷的发生。方法:分析和总结我科近年医患纠纷发生的原因,并采取针对性的制定防范管理方法。结果:经过加强培训,医护人员的法律意识、医患纠纷防范意识增强,显著减少了医患纠纷的发生。结论:医护人员通过学习,掌握正确的医护行为准则可以有效减少医疗纠纷的发生。
The emergency call section cure to suffer from of guard against
Zhang Jin Dong Yanxi
【Abstract】Purpose:Pass to the valid management of the sufferer and the family members, decrease cure to suffer from dispute of occurrence.Method:Analysis and the summary my section recent years cure reason of suffer from the dispute occurrence, and adopt to aim at sex of establishment guard against management method.Result:Has been strengthenned a training, the medical personnel's law consciousness, cure to suffer from dispute to guard against consciousness strengthen, showed Zhao decrease to cure to suffer from dispute of occurrence.Conclusion:The medical personnel pass a study and control exactitude of cure and protect the behavior standard can be valid decrease medical treatment dispute of occurrence. ......
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