【中图分类号】R186 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1672-6383(2010)11-0079-02【摘要】预防接种是一项投资少、效益高并具有广泛群众基础的疾病防控措施是国家法律赋予儿童的基本权利,国家对儿童实行预防接种证制度预防工作的成败,直接影响到全国人民的健康。预防接种门诊是实施国家免疫规划的基础网点,是免疫规划网络建设的一个环节,合理设置预防接种门诊对提高预防接种工作效率和服务质量,对流动儿童的管理和减少预防接种事故的发生有着重要的作用。为全面加强计划免疫工作,规范预防接种行为,提高免疫服务质量和工作效率,宁海县自2005年7月起在全县范围内推广使用儿童预防接种信息管理系统软件,通过这几年的运行,效果良好。
Shallow talk a vaccination management
Ding Jianjie
【Abstract】Vaccination is an investment little, performance Gao Bing4 have extensive crowd foundation of the disease defend to control measure is nation the law give a child of basic right, nation to child practice the system prevention of the vaccination certificate work of success or failure, direct influence arrive people of the whole country of health.The vaccination out-patient service is an implement nation immunity programming of foundation net point, is an immunity programming network construction of a link, reasonable constitution vaccination out-patient service to exaltation vaccination work efficiency kimono duty quality, the convection move a child of management and decrease vaccination trouble of occurrence have importance of function.For overall strengthen plan immunity work, norm vaccination behavior, exaltation quality and work efficiency of the immunity service, rather sea county from 2005 July since within the scope of whole county expansion usage child vaccination information management system software, pass this several years of circulate, the effect be good. ......
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