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http://www.100md.com 2010年12月1日 朱利明 金 剑 金芝贵 吴 飞 华李琦



    【摘要】目的:了解我院2009年度药品不良反应(ADR)的发生情况及引发ADR的相关因素。方法:对我院2009年1月至2009年12月收集到的128例ADR进行回顾性统计与分析。 结果:128例ADR报告中,女性多于男性,65岁以上老年患者占总例数的57.8%。给药方式中,静脉滴注引发的ADR最多,口服第二。涉及的药品种类中,抗感染药物居首位,其次是心血管药物,中药位列第三。引起ADR的抗感染药中,喹诺酮类药物占首位,头孢菌素类药物居第二位,依次是林可霉素类、β-内酰胺酶抑制类。ADR的临床表现形式呈多样化,但以过敏、消化系统反应比较多见。结论:我院ADR的发生以女性、老年患者居多,其临床表现多样,发生因素与患者年龄、给药途径、药品种类等相关。应加强对ADR的监测及相关知识的宣传,以减少和避免ADR的发生。


    Analysis on 128 Adverse Drug Reaction Case Reports

    Zhu Li-ming,Jin Jian,Jin Zhi-gui,Wu Fei-hua

    【Abstract】Objective:To observe the occurrence of ADR in our hospital and analyze its correlative factors. Methods: The 128 case reports of ADR collected from Jan 2009 to Dec 2009 in our hospital and were analyzed statistically. Results: Of the 128 patients, Females were more than males. There were 57.8% of patients who were older than 65.Most of them were resulted from i.v which accounted for 61.72%(79 cases),induced by p.o which accounted for 36.72%.Antimicrobial drug was the first of all the drugs involved in the present study, and the next one was cardiovascular drugs. The third category was traditional Chinese medicine. Of all the antimicrobial drugs, Fluoroquinolones was accounted for 48.08% of that of ADR induced by Antimicrobial drug. The second were Cephalosporins. Various ADR were discovered. Of the 128 ADR cases, most commonly manifested itself in the anaphylactic reaction. Conclusions: The ADR of female and older patients in our hospital occurs commonly and clinical manifestations of ADR varies. The occurrence of ADR is related to many factors, such as age of patients, administration route and category of drug. ADR monitoring should be strengthened and knowledge of ADR should be publicized so as to lessen and avoid the occurrence of ADR.

    【Keywords】 adverse drug reactions;monitoring;analyzed statistically近年来,药物不良反应(adverse drug reactions,ADR)危害的严重性正受到人们的极大关注[1],发达国家纷纷加强了药物不良反应的监测工作。我国于2004年实施《药品不良反应报告和监测管理办法》以来。ADR的监测得到不断加强,广大医护人员越来越认识到报告和监测ADR是加强药品管理、提高用药质量和医疗水平的一种重要手段,也是确保人们用药安全的重要措施。我院为三级甲等医院,已将ADR的监测纳入到临床药学的日常工作中。现将2009年1月至2009年12月中我院呈报的128例ADR进行回顾性统计与分析,为临床合理用药提供参考。




    2.1ADR发生率与患者年龄性别的关系:从表1看出,不同年龄段患者均有ADR发生,其中65岁以上患者发生率最高,占57.8%。男性患者52例 ......
