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http://www.100md.com 2013年3月1日 《中外女性健康·下半月》 20133
     【摘 要】病例教学法是指运用精心选择的病例,通过教师组织引导和学生自主学习,使全科医师系统理解临床医学知识、培养临床思维方法及提高实践能力的一种教学手段。在临床医学病例教学过程中,病例的选择与问题的设计是关键,教师的组织、引导及问题深化是重点。本文就我国目前医学教育现状,病例教学法在全科医师培训教学中的应用以及病例教学法与传统以疾病为分类的授课法的对比分析三方面入手进行阐述。


    Application of case teaching in the teaching of general practitioner training

    [Abstract]Case teaching is the use of carefully selected cases, guided by teachers’ organizations and independent learning, the general practitioner understanding of clinical knowledge, training clinical way of thinking, and to improve the practical ability of a means of teaching. In clinical medicine practice ......

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