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http://www.100md.com 2013年5月1日 《中外女性健康·下半月》 20135
     【摘 要】目的:探讨静脉输注甘露醇前后护理干预对静脉炎产生的影响。方法:本文收集2012年3月和4月这两个月期间骨伤科病人中颅高压为首发症状、在使用甘露醇的病人,分别采用传统静脉输液法20例作为对照组,和甘露醇使用前后进行护理干预法20例,作为实验组。进行了比较分析观察。结果:静脉输注甘露醇前后采用护理干预的病人静脉炎发生率明显下降,大大降低了病人痛苦。结论:静脉输注甘露醇前后护理干预对静脉炎产生具有很大意义。


    [Abstract] Objective To investigate intravenous infusion of mannitol before and after nursing intervention on the impact of static portal inflammation, reduce the incidence of phlebitis, reduce the pain of the patient, allowing the patient to return early health social work. Methods this paper collected in 2012 March and April in two months during orthopedic patients with intracranial hypertension as the first symptom in the patients ......

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