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http://www.100md.com 2014年2月1日 中外女性健康·下半月 2014年第2期
     【摘 要】优质护理服务,建立了床边工作体制,护士人人参与管床,护理记录前移到病房的床边。增进了患者和家属对治病和护理的理解与共鸣,减少了护患纠纷。治病方案根据患者的需求进行评估,评价并及时的进行护理给予患者人性化的帮助。提高了患者对就医治疗的满意度。


    High quality nursing service to lay a solid foundation for nursing has positive significance

    Wang Lingjian

    The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University Yunnan Gejiu 661000 China

    [Abstract] High quality nursing service, established a bedside nurses working system, everyone involved in the canal bed, nursing records transferred to the ward bed.Increase of patients and families for medical treatment and nursing understanding and sympathy ......

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