当前位置: 首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 呼吸内科 > 气管、支气管疾病 > 上呼吸道感染
http://www.100md.com 2014年5月1日 家庭心理医生 2014年第5期
     摘要: 引起成年人急性上呼吸道感染的主要是各种病毒和细菌,症状轻重不等。进一步发展可成为支气管炎、肺炎;波及邻近器官时可发生中耳炎、鼻窦炎等。因此患病后应及时采取措施,注意休息,避免劳累,以免病情发展或发生心肌炎等严重合并症。本文阐述了清开灵注射液具有解热作用,维护细胞膜的稳定性以及增强免疫能力。对于急性上呼吸道感染患者发热、咽痛等全身症状可以起到较快改善作用,其疗效明显优于利巴韦林。

    关键词: 成年人;急性上呼吸道感染;清开灵注射液;利巴韦林注射液;疗效比较

     Abstract induce adult acute upper respiratory tract infection is the main kinds of viruses and bacteria,symptoms of varying severity. Further development may bebronchitis, pneumonia; spread to adjacent organs can occur, sinusitis, otitis media. So the sick should take timely measures, pay attention to rest, avoid fatigue, to prevent progression of the disease or the occurrence of myocarditisand other serious complications. This paper expounds theQingkailing injection has antipyretic effect, maintain thestability of cell membrane and enhance immunity. Forpatients with acute upper respiratory tract infection, sore throat, fever and other systemic symptoms can rise torapidly improve effect, its efficacy is better than Leigh Bhave Lin. ......

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