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http://www.100md.com 2007年5月1日 《食品与药品·A版》 2007年第5期



    Extraction and Determination of Chemical Constituents of Bitter Melon

    LIU Hong-na1, GAO Xu-hui2

    (1. Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004, China; 2. Shaanxi Institute of Metrology, Xi’an 710048, China)

    Abstract:This article introduces the extraction and determination of the chemical constituents of bitter melon in these years.

    Key words:bitter melon; chemical constituents; extraction; determination

    苦瓜(Momordica charantia L.)为葫芦科苦瓜属植物苦瓜的果实,性味苦寒,具有清热解凉、滋阴强壮、降低血糖等功效[1],我国已有500多年的应用历史。苦瓜果实药食兼用,含有三萜类、甾类、生物碱及氨基酸类等活性成分。近年苦瓜的药用功效受到国内外学者的关注 ......

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