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[中图分类号]R563 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2007)11(b)-088-02
Analysis of phlegm raise and medicine sensitive test result in 145 patients with COPD incorporate pneumonia
WU Ying,GU Li,YE Hui-ming
(The First People's Hospital of Neijiang,Neijiang 641000,China)
[Abstract]Objective:To understand the bacterium infection tendency and drug resistant situation in aged patients with COPD incorporate pneumonia.Methods:145 aged patients' phlegm specimen with COPD incorporate pneumonia were used to carry on the germ culture and medicine sensitive test.Results: Phlegm specimen's bacterium distribution in 145 aged patients with COPD incorporate pneumonia was gram-positive bacterium infection accounting for 14.22%,gram-negative bacterium infection accounting for 69.38%, mycosis infection accounting for 16 ......