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[摘要] 目的:为了有效地分离、提取外周血全白细胞,研制一种新型的细胞分离液。方法:右旋糖苷(聚蔗糖)和泛影葡胺按不同比例混合配制成四种比重、五种渗透压的分离液。通过对50例正常外周血的分离摸索出最佳全白细胞分离液的比重和渗透压。结果:最佳全白细胞分离液的比重为1.112 g/ml,渗透压为520 mOsm/L。结论:我们自制的全白细胞分离液提取细胞浓度及细胞纯度高,细胞组分全,细胞比例正常,细胞形态及细胞活性保持良好。同时全白细胞分离液还可以进行其他细胞分离,为相关学科的研究提供了一种有效的细胞分离新方法。
[关键词] 白细胞;全白细胞分离液
[中图分类号]R446.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)06(a)-023-03
Research on a novel leukocytes separation liquid
SUN Li-li1, ZHAO Yu-jie2
(1.Shenyang Maternal and Child Health Institute, Shenyang 110000, China; 2.China Medical University, Shenyang 110000, China)
[Abstract] Objective: In order to isolate and purify efficiently human leukocytes subpopulations from peripheral blood, we have prepared a new liquid separation. Methods: Dextran(Ficoll) and Hypaque were mixed in different proportions to four gravity and five osmotic pressure of separation liquid ......