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[摘要] 经手术切除和病理检查证实有乳腺疾病者572例(其中,良性病变者396例、乳腺癌176例)的液晶热图△T和病理P型检查的结果发现:572例的△T均在2℃以下,其中良性组81.3%的病例在0.2℃以下,而乳腺癌组仅为4.5%;病理分期热图P型,78.4%的乳腺癌病例在4以下。故提出液晶热图诊断乳腺癌的原指标过高,应调整为△T 0.2℃,P型4以上为宜。
[关键词] 液晶热图;乳腺病;乳腺癌;指标
[中图分类号]R445 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)07(c)-087-02
Study on the criterion of liquid crystal thermography for diagnosis of breast cancer
CHEN Lian-fang,LAI Biao
(The People's Hospital of Maoming City,Maoming 525000,China)
[Abstract] 572 patients with mammary lesion confirmed by pathological examinationafter operation,including 176 breast cancer and 396 benign leions,were checked by liquid crystal thermography board.The results showed that the △T is <2℃ in all of the patients,and the △T is <0.2℃ in 81.3% benign patients,while only 4 ......