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[摘要] 目的:寻求简便而有效的测量温箱内新生儿体温的方法。方法:对临床150例温箱内新生儿采取同时测腹股沟、腋窝、颈部皮肤温度,将所得值进行统计学处理。结果:腹股沟所体测温与腋温、颈部体温差异无显著意义。结论:腹股沟体温可作为温箱内新生儿体温的测量方法,此方法简便,易固定,减少了临床护士操作中的工作量。
[关键词] 温箱;新生儿;测量体温
[中图分类号]R473.72 [文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)07(c)-138-02
Discussion on the method of measuring temperature for the newborns in the hothouse
ZHANG Rong-lan
(Department of the Newborns,Women and Children Health Hospital of Shaoguan City in Guangdong Province,Shaoguan512026,China )
[Abstract] Objective:To find the easy and effective method of measuring temperature for the newborns in the hothouses. Methods:We chose 150 newborns and surveyed their temperatures of groin,armpit and neck, then deal the data. Results:The temperature of the groin had no differences than the armpit and neck.Conclusion:Groin can be used to measuring the temperature for the newborns in the hothouses ......