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[摘要] 目的:探讨观察瞬态耳声发射在新生儿听力筛查中的应用。方法:对2006年1月~2006年12月2 100例新生儿利用瞬态耳声发射进行听力筛查的资料进行分析。结果:2 091例足月新生儿中,一次通过瞬态耳声发射进行听力筛查 2 058例,占98.4%,未通过33例,占1.6%,早产儿9例中,一次通过检测7例,占77.8%,未通过2例,占22.2%。全部未通过新生儿检查ABR,确诊有异常15例,正常7例。结论:瞬态耳声发射具有无创伤、快速、客观、敏感度高等优点,值得在新生儿听力筛查中广泛推广应用。
[关键词] 瞬态耳声发射;新生儿;听力筛查
[中图分类号]R764 [文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)08(a)-094-02
The application on the hearing screening of the neonatus by transience otoacoustic emission
HUANG Zhuo-lin,GUO Xiu-juan, WANG Xiu-ying
(Chenxinghai Hospital of Xiaolan, Zhongshan 528415,China)
[Abstrsct] Objective:To probe the application on the hearing screening of the neonatus by transcience otoacoustic emission.Methods: To undertakethe hearing screening of the neonatus by transcience otoacoustic emission of 2 100 neonatus from 2006.1~2006.12.Results: 2 058 (98.4%) full-term newborn infants pass the transience otoacoustic emission once and 33(1.6%) full-term newborn infants can not pass it once.9(77.8%) premature infants pass the transience otoacoustic emission once and 2 premature infants can not pass it once ......