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[摘要] 培养大学生的科研思维能力,对于促进大学生的健康成长和全面发展有着十分重要的意义。本文结合大学生的教育特点,简单概括了培养其科研思维兴趣与能力的几点方法和途径。
[关键词] 大学生;科研思维能力;培养
[中图分类号]G421 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)08(c)-131-02
Discussion on the cultivation of scientific thinking among college students
CHEN Ke1,HUANG Yin2,YANG Zheng3*,ZHANG Xiao3
(1.Undergraduate courseofPharmacology of Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu610081,China;2. Nursing Department of Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu610081,China;3.The Experiment Technique Teaching Section of Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu610081,China)
[Abstract] The cultivation of scientific thinking plays a vital role in the healthy growth and all-round development of college students. Based upon the educational features of college students,this article tries to investigate several approaches about development interests and capability in scientific thinking ......