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[摘要]目的:了解我院急诊处方的状况,为促进急诊合理用药及药房储药工作提供参考。方法:随机抽取我院2007年1~9月的西药门诊急诊处方5 036张,利用Excel软件对处方进行分类、统计。结果:5 036张急诊处方中,处方分布以内科、儿科、外科为主;处方的药物组成以抗感染类最高(29.03%),用药途径中以注射给药居首,并以速效的静脉滴注为主(83.62%);存在药物相互作用而不宜合用的处方143张(2.84%)。处方用药以1~4种为主(占总处方81.43%),平均每张处方用药3.11种。处方药物金额以200元以下为主(89.95%),平均每张处方92.78元。结论:我院急诊处方用药少而精,但合理联用药物仍需进一步提高。
[关键词] 急诊处方;合理用药;分析
[中图分类号] R954 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)08(c)-147-02
The research of hospital emergency prescription in 2007
CHEN Mei-ling,CHEN Hao
(HuizhouCentralPeople′sHospital, Huizhou516001,China)
[Abstract] Objective: In order to promote emergency rational drug use and to provide reference for the reserves of drugs ,we investigated the situation of the emergency prescriptions in our hospital。Methods:A total of 5 036 emergency prescriptions in our hospital from Jan.of 2007 to Sep.of 2007 were randomly selected and classified statistically by using Excel. Results: The main route of the 5 036 emergency prescriptions were the medical prescriptions,the pediatric prescriptions and the surgical prescriptions ......