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[摘要] 目的:了解金川地区农村居民高血压病的患病率、知晓率及影响因素,为制定高血压病的防治措施和策略提供依据。方法:对金川地区农村居民于2004~2006年在我院门诊确诊的15周岁以上的高血压病人进行面对面询问调查。结果:确诊高血压患病人数1 358例,占同期就诊农村居民病人数(12 201例)的8.98%,在1 358例确诊高血压的病人中,首次就诊并且从未测量过血压的1 223例,占90.06%,复诊且测量过1次以上血压的135例,知晓率为9.94%,低于全国平均水平。结论:金川地区农村居民高血压病的门诊患病率、知晓率均低于全国平均水平。
[关键词] 高血压;农村居民;知晓率;门诊医疗
[中图分类号]R195.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)09(b)-096-02
An analysis of the prevalence and knowledge of hypertension of the rural residents In Jinchuan
WANG Zheng-bin
(Jinchuan People's Hospital,Jinchuan 624100,China)
[Abstract] Objective:To realize the prevalence of hypertension and the penetration rates of the knowledge about hypertension in the rural areas residents in Jinchuan. The purpose was to provide a basis of working out the countermeasure for prevention and curing hypertension. Methods:To investigate the rural areas residents face to face in Jinchuan who were more than 15 years old and was made a definite diagnosis in our hospital during 2004~2006 ......