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http://www.100md.com 2008年10月15日 中国医药导报2008年第29期
     [摘要] 《医疗事故处理条例》是解决医患纠纷的专业性规范,医疗事故技术鉴定是我国目前认定医疗纠纷中医疗行为是否有过失以及过失与损害结果是否存在因果关系的唯一合法、有效的方法。司法鉴定中的法医类鉴定有其专门的适用领域,将法医类鉴定用于处理医患纠纷,既无合法性,也无科学性,无法客观、公正地解决医患纠纷。因此,本文阐述的观点旨在树立医疗事故技术鉴定的权威性,维护医患双方的合法权益,促进医学科学的发展。

    [关键词] 医疗事故;鉴定;权威性

    [中图分类号]D922.16 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1673-7210(2008)10(b)-101-02

    Set up the authority of the incident of malpractice technical appraisal

    DAI Hong, ZHAO Zhi-fang, ZHANG Xing-zhong, ZHANG Hai-sheng, ZHANG Xiao-ying, SUN Yang-guang

    (The First People's Hospital of Changzhou, Changzhou 213003, China)

    [Abstract] "Medical treatment dispute solution article" is the specialized standard to solve doctor-patient dispute, the medical malpractice identification is the only legitimate effective method recognized in our country at present in medical dispute. In the expert evidence medical examiner class appraisal has its special suitable domain, when used in doctor-patient dispute, it does not have the validity and the scientific nature, also unable to solve the doctor-patient dispute fairly objectively. Therefore, our purpose is toset upthe authority of the medical malpractice identification and defend legitimate rights and interests of doctor and patients, and promote development of medical science. ......

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