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[摘要] 目的:通过分析中药引起过敏性休克的相关因素,为合理用药提供参考。方法:收集1997~2007年《药物不良反应杂志》报道的有关过敏性休克的病例资料,进行整理、汇总、分析。结果:可导致过敏性休克的中药中,穿琥宁注射液居首位,占21.43%,葛根素注射液次之,占12.50%;给药途径以静脉用药发生率最高,占92.85%;发生时间以速发型过敏性休克多见;过敏性休克的发生与性别、年龄无关。结论:临床用药前应详细询问过敏史,严格用药指征,选择合适的给药途径,备齐抢救设备,仔细观察用药后反应,以确保用药安全。
[关键词] 中药;过敏性休克;文献分析;防治
[中图分类号] R969.3 [文献标识码]B[文章编号]1673-7211(2009)01(a)-114-03
Literature analysis, prevention and treatment of anaphylactic shock induced by traditional Chinese medicines
CHEN Yan1, JIANG Meng2
(1.Nanjing University of TCM, Nanjing210009, China; 2. Hospital of TCM of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing210029, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To analyze connected factors caused by traditional Chinese medicines in anaphylactic shock for rational use of drugs. Methods: Reports of anaphylactic shock published at the magazine of Drug Adverse Reaction during 1997-2007 were sorted out and investigated. Results: In anaphylactic shock induced by traditional Chinese medicines, the most easily inducing one was Chuanhuning injection, accounted for 24.43%,Gegensu injection accounted for 12.50%. The shock induced by intravenous administration occupied the first place, accounted for 92.85%. Immediate hypersensitivity reaction was the common type of anaphylactic shock. It was not related to sex and age of patients. Conclusion: Allergic history should be taken in detail before the clinical use, the indications of drug use strictly controlled. We must select the suited route of administration and prepare the salvaing equipments. The adverse reactions also should be observed carefully so as to ensure the safe use of drugs.
[Key words] Traditional Chinese medicines; Anaphylactic shock; Literature analysis; Prevention and treatment
1 资料分析
收集《药物不良反应杂志》1997~2007年有关中药引起过敏性休克的 40 篇个案报道,对涉及的 56 例患者资料进行整理、汇总、分析。
1.2 结果
1.2.1 在56例病例中,休克例数、性别、过敏史及死亡例数等见表1。
1.2.2 休克病例各年龄段分布见表2。
表2 各年龄段分布
1.2.3 休克所涉及的药物品种及分布见表3。
表3 休克所涉及的药物品种及分布
表3 休克所涉及的药物品种及分布
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