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http://www.100md.com 2009年2月15日 马峻峰 李 燕 张崇进 张智显 付登礼 许林峰


     [摘要] 目的: 探索甲状腺手术后喉返神经损伤的预防及失误处理的有效方法。方法:回顾性分析236例甲状腺肿瘤行手术治疗患者的临床资料,总结喉返神经损伤的主要原因、损伤的预防及失误处理方法。结果:236例甲状腺肿瘤患者中,喉返神经总的损伤率为5.1%(12例),其中永久性损伤2例(0.8%),均为喉返神经离断伤;暂时性损伤10例(4.2%)。损伤原因依次为:操作不熟练致使解剖层次不清5例(2.1%),助手配合失当3例(1.3%),术野止血不彻底致使视野不清2例(0.8%),止血慌乱误伤1例(0.4%),切口过小使过度牵拉1例(0.4%);不同术式的损伤发生率也有所不同。结论:喉返神经损伤仍是甲状腺肿瘤切除中的常见并发症;正确选择术式、熟练而规范的操作、术者间默契的配合仍是预防的关键。

    [关键词] 甲状腺肿瘤切除;喉返神经;损伤;因素;预防

    [中图分类号] R736.1[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-7210(2009)02(b)-019-03

    Causes and prevention of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury during thyroidectomy operation in patients with cancer of thyroid

    MA Jun-feng, LI Yan, ZHANG Chong-jin, ZHANG Zhi-xian,FU Deng-li, XU Lin-feng

    (Department of Oncology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College, Kunming650101, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the causes and treatment of recurrent laryngeal nerve(RLN) injury during the operation of thyroidectomy in patients with cancer of thyroid. Methods: Clinical data of 236 patients undergone thyroidectomy operation were reviewed. Results: No patient died while operation and staying in hospital. There were 12 cases of RLN injury,2 case of permanence RLN injury and 10 cases of caducity.5 cases(2.1%) were injured because of no stratification dissection; 3 cases (1.3%) were injured because of not collaborating well, and 2 cases (0.8%) were injured because of hurried and confused operation while bleeding. Conclusion: RLN injuries caused by mechanical injury during thyroid surgery is important. Delicate peration with gravity are the key point for prevention of the injury of RLN.

    [Key words] Thyroidectomy; Recurrent laryngeal nerve; Injury; Causes; Prevention

    甲状腺手术后喉返神经损伤(recurrent laryngeal nerve injury,RLN)发生率各地的报道有所差异[1-4],一般为0.5%~5.0%,是甲状腺手术中严重的并发症[5],一侧损伤后出现声音嘶哑,双侧损伤会造成不可逆呼吸功能障碍,严重影响患者生活质量甚至危及生命,故术中预防喉返神经损伤显得非常重要。甲状腺肿瘤手术治疗特别是甲状腺癌时,为了达到根治效果,往往需做较大范围的淋巴清扫和肿瘤周围软组织切除,这无疑增加了喉返神经损伤的风险。为了总结甲状腺肿瘤治疗中的喉返神经损伤的因素,以减少喉返神经损伤的发生率,2006年1月~2008年8月,对收治的236例甲状腺肿瘤手术治疗患者的临床资料作了回顾性分析,报道如下:





    ①症状。一侧损伤表现为声音嘶哑,3个月~0.5年后有所改善,双侧损伤表现失音或者呼吸困难。②辅助检查 ......
